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Pet Holidays 2024

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April is National Heartworm Awareness and Prevent Lyme Disease in Dogs month

March 26, 2024

April is indeed National Heartworm Awareness Month. This observance is dedicated to raising awareness about heartworm disease in pets, particularly dogs, and the importance of preventive measures. Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal condition caused by parasitic worms living in the arteries of the lungs and in the heart of dogs, cats, and other species of mammals. It is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. Prevention is key to protecting pets from heartworm infection, as treatment can be difficult and expensive. During National Heartworm Awareness Month, veterinary clinics, animal shelters, and pet organizations often offer educational materials, discounts on preventive medications, and other initiatives to promote awareness and prevention of heartworm disease.

April is often recognized as a time to raise awareness about tick-borne diseases, including Lyme disease, and the importance of prevention for pets. Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted through the bite of infected black-legged ticks, also known as deer ticks.

Prevention measures for Lyme disease in dogs typically include:

By promoting awareness and implementing preventive measures, pet owners can help protect their dogs from Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses throughout the year, not just in April.

Best dog monitoring cameras for when you can't be there. 

Feb 10, 2024

There are several excellent dog monitoring cameras on the market that allow you to keep an eye on your furry friend when you're not home. Here are some popular options:

1. Furbo Dog Camera: Furbo is designed specifically for dogs and includes features like two-way audio, a treat dispenser, and bark alerts. It has a 1080p HD camera with night vision and works well for monitoring your pet's behavior.

2. Petcube Bites 2: Petcube Bites 2 is another popular choice with a built-in treat dispenser, 1080p HD camera with night vision, and two-way audio. It also features motion and sound detection, allowing you to receive alerts on your phone.

3. Wyze Cam Pan: While not specifically designed for pets, the Wyze Cam Pan is a budget-friendly option with 1080p HD video, two-way audio, and pan-tilt-zoom capabilities. It's a versatile camera that can be used for pet monitoring among other things.

4. Nest Cam Indoor: Nest Cam Indoor offers 24/7 live streaming, 1080p HD video, and two-way audio. It integrates well with other Nest products and offers features like person alerts and activity zones.

5. Blink Indoor Camera: Blink Indoor Camera is another affordable option with 1080p HD video, motion detection, and two-way audio. It's easy to set up and offers free cloud storage for recorded clips.

6. Pawbo Life Pet Camera: Pawbo Life Pet Camera features a 720p HD camera, two-way audio, and a treat dispenser. It also has a laser pointer for interactive playtime with your pet.

When choosing a dog monitoring camera, consider factors like video quality, two-way audio capabilities, treat dispensing features, night vision, and compatibility with your smartphone or other devices. Additionally, look for options that offer motion and sound detection, as well as the ability to receive alerts on your phone when activity is detected.

5 Heartwarming Signs Your Pupply Truly Loves You!

Feb 7, 2024

Welcoming a puppy into your life brings boundless joy and affection. But have you ever wondered if your furry friend reciprocates your love? While puppies may not express themselves in words, they have their unique ways of showing love and appreciation. Here are five heartwarming signs that your puppy truly loves you.

1. Tail Wagging with Gusto:

One of the most unmistakable signs of a puppy's affection is the joyous wagging of its tail. When your puppy sees you after a brief absence or even just when you walk into the room, its tail may wag vigorously from side to side, conveying its excitement and happiness at your presence. This enthusiastic tail wagging is a clear indication that your puppy loves you and is thrilled to see you.

2. Cuddling and Nuzzling:

Puppies are naturally affectionate creatures, and they often express their love through physical gestures like cuddling and nuzzling. If your puppy enjoys snuggling up to you, resting its head on your lap, or nuzzling against your cheek, it's a sure sign that it feels safe, secure, and deeply attached to you. These moments of closeness are precious reminders of the strong bond you share with your furry companion.

3. Eager to Please:

Puppies are eager to please their owners, and they go out of their way to make you happy. Whether it's learning new tricks, following your commands, or simply behaving well, your puppy's eagerness to please is a testament to its love and devotion towards you. When your puppy looks up at you with those soulful eyes, eagerly awaiting your approval, it's clear that it values your affection and wants to make you proud.

4. Excited Greetings:

Few things are as heartwarming as the exuberant greetings you receive from your puppy when you return home. Whether you've been away for a few minutes or a few hours, your puppy's enthusiastic welcome is a genuine expression of its love and loyalty. From excited barking and jumping to spinning in circles and showering you with kisses, your puppy's exuberance knows no bounds when it comes to showing how much it cares for you.

5. Protective Instincts:

Puppies have a strong instinct to protect their loved ones, and they'll often display this behavior towards their owners. If your puppy becomes alert and vigilant when it senses a potential threat or danger, whether real or perceived, it's a sign that it sees you as part of its pack and wants to keep you safe. Whether it's growling at strangers, standing between you and perceived threats, or simply staying close by your side, your puppy's protective instincts are a clear indication of its love and devotion towards you.

In the eyes of your puppy, you're more than just a caregiver—you're a cherished companion, a source of comfort and joy, and the center of its world. By recognizing and appreciating the signs of your puppy's love, you can deepen the bond you share and create lasting memories of affection and devotion. So cherish these moments, embrace your puppy's love wholeheartedly, and revel in the unconditional love and companionship that your furry friend brings into your life.

Pet Vaccinations

Jan 5, 2024

Vaccination is an essential aspect of pet care, helping to protect animals from various infectious diseases. The specific vaccines your pet needs can vary based on factors such as species, age, lifestyle, and geographic location. It's important to consult with your veterinarian to create a personalized vaccination schedule for your pet. Here's some general information about common pet vaccines:


 Core Vaccines

 Distemper: Protects against a highly contagious and potentially fatal viral disease.

Canine Parvovirus (CPV): Prevents a severe and often deadly gastrointestinal infection.

Canine Adenovirus (CAV): Guards against hepatitis and respiratory infections.

Rabies: Required by law in many places, as it is a fatal disease that can affect all mammals, including humans.

Non-Core Vaccines

Bordetella (Kennel Cough): Recommended for dogs frequently in contact with others, such as those in boarding facilities or dog parks.

Lyme Disease: Important in areas where ticks are prevalent.


 Core Vaccines

Feline Panleukopenia (Feline Distemper): Protects against a highly contagious and often fatal viral disease.

Feline Calicivirus (FCV): Guards against a common respiratory infection.

Feline Herpesvirus (FHV): Prevents a viral respiratory infection.

Rabies: Required by law in many places.

Non-Core Vaccines

Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV): Recommended for outdoor cats or those in multi-cat households.

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV): Especially important for outdoor cats in certain regions.



Puppies and Kittens:

Initial vaccinations typically start around 6-8 weeks of age, with booster shots every 3-4 weeks until around 16 weeks old.

Adult Dogs and Cats:

 After the initial series, boosters are usually administered annually or as recommended by your veterinarian. 

Rabies Vaccination:

 Initial rabies vaccination is often given around 12 weeks, with boosters at one year and then either annually or every three years, depending on local regulations.



 Some pets may experience mild reactions, such as lethargy or soreness at the injection site. Serious reactions are rare but can occur. It's essential to monitor your pet and report any unusual symptoms to your veterinarian.

Remember that this information is general, and your veterinarian will tailor a vaccination plan based on your pet's specific needs and circumstances. Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial for assessing your pet's health and updating their vaccination schedule as necessary.

Embracing and welcoming a Pawsome New Year!

Dec 26, 2023

As we bid farewell to the old year and step into the freshness of a new one, there's no better time to involve our furry friends in the festivities. Our pets bring so much joy, laughter, and unconditional love into our lives, and what better way to start the year than by ensuring they feel just as cherished and included as ever?

Reflecting on the Past Year

Before diving into the excitement of the new year, take a moment to reflect on the past 12 months with your pet. What were your favorite moments together? Did you explore new parks, conquer old fears, or simply enjoy quiet moments at home? Reflecting on these memories not only allows you to appreciate the bond you share but also sets the stage for new adventures ahead.

Setting Pet-Friendly Resolutions

Just like we humans set resolutions for ourselves, consider creating some pet-friendly goals for the upcoming year. Whether it's incorporating more playtime, exploring new walking routes, or introducing a new type of treat into their diet, setting achievable goals can enhance both your and your pet's well-being.

Create a Pet-Centric Celebration

New Year's Eve doesn't have to be exclusive to humans. Create a pet-centric celebration to ring in the new year together. Consider baking homemade pet treats or purchasing special toys to make the day memorable. If your pet enjoys the company of others, invite friends and their pets for a small gathering, ensuring everyone has a safe and enjoyable time.

Ensure a Safe Environment

Fireworks and loud noises are synonymous with New Year's celebrations, but they can be frightening for our furry friends. Create a quiet, safe space for your pet to retreat to if the festivities become overwhelming. Make sure they have their favorite toys, blankets, and treats to comfort them.

Health Check and Grooming

The start of a new year is an excellent time for a health checkup for your pet. Schedule a visit to the vet for vaccinations and a general wellness examination. Additionally, pamper your pet with a grooming session to kick off the year looking and feeling their best.

Capture the Moments

Don't forget to capture the precious moments with your pet as you welcome the new year. Whether it's a candid snapshot of them enjoying a special treat or a video of playtime, these memories will be cherished for years to come.

Welcoming your pet into the new year is a wonderful way to strengthen your bond and set a positive tone for the months ahead. With a little planning and consideration, you can ensure that your four-legged friend feels just as excited about the fresh start as you do. Here's to a paw-some year filled with love, joy, and countless wagging tails!

Including your furry friends in your Christmas celebrations with Pet Safety!

Dec 1, 2023

Having a fun Christmas with your pet can be a delightful experience for both you and your furry friend. I love spoiling my pets around the holidays. I give mine extra treats (probably shouldn't) while I'm cooking so they don't feel left out at all.

Special Gifts, Decorations, and Treats (think pet safety first)!

Give your fur baby a Christmas gift. It could be a new toy, a cozy bed, or even a treat puzzle to keep them entertained, but make sure it's an approved toy for pet safety. Decorate your home with pet-safe decorations. Skip tinsel, fragile ornaments, and any decorations that your pet might chew on. Opt for non-toxic, sturdy decor instead. Prepare or buy pet-friendly Christmas treats. There are many recipes for homemade pet treats you can find online. Just ensure they are safe for your pet's species and dietary needs.

Christmas Sweaters and Santa

What is more cute than seeing your fur baby in a sweater? Dress them up in a cute Christmas sweater or collar. Many pet stores offer festive attire! If your furbaby likes meeting new people, consider taking them to a pet-friendly Santa photo session.

Special Meals and Cozy Beds make everything nice!

Prepare a special, pet-friendly Christmas meal. You can make a special holiday dinner for your pet with ingredients they love. Create a cozy, quiet space where your pet can retreat if the holiday celebrations become overwhelming. This space can be their safe haven while they enjoy their meal

Here's a few things you could try!

Dog friendly roast beef

No Bake Dog Cake Recipes

Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin and Peanut Butter Dog Treats

Thanksgiving or Christmas Dinner

Homemade Dog Food Gravy

Butternut Squash Stew

Interactive Toys and Playtime

I always make sure to provide my babies with plenty of stimulation from interactive toys. Their favs are Kong toys.

Invest in interactive toys that will keep your pet entertained and mentally stimulated, such as puzzle toys or treat-dispensing devices. Spend quality time playing with your pet. Tug-of-war, fetch, and hide-and-seek are great options. If you're hosting guests, let your friends and family know your pet's preferences and any rules (like not feeding them table scraps). Some guests may enjoy spending time with your pet, so they can play together.

The holidays are always a fun time for everyone - fur babies included. Since they are part of the family always include them in on the fun!

How to keep your pets safe this fall/winter!

Sep 25, 2023

Keeping your pets safe during the fall and winter months is important, as the colder weather and seasonal changes can pose unique challenges to their health and well-being. Here are some tips to help you ensure the safety and comfort of your pets during this time of year:

1. Provide Adequate Shelter: Make sure your pets have access to a warm and dry shelter. If they are outdoor animals, provide a well-insulated doghouse or a heated outdoor shelter. For indoor pets, ensure they have a cozy and warm place to sleep.

2. Keep Pets Indoors: In extreme cold weather, it's best to keep your pets indoors as much as possible. Shorten their outdoor walks and playtime to prevent exposure to the cold.

3. Dress Appropriately: If you have a small or short-haired dog, consider using a dog sweater or coat to keep them warm during walks. However, not all pets tolerate clothing, so monitor their comfort and remove it if they seem uncomfortable.

4. Watch for Signs of Hypothermia: Be vigilant for signs of hypothermia in your pets, including shivering, lethargy, weakness, and cold extremities. If you notice these symptoms, bring your pet inside and warm them up slowly.

5. Maintain a Consistent Feeding Routine: In colder months, pets may burn more calories to stay warm. Adjust their food portions accordingly but avoid overfeeding, as winter weight gain can be a problem.

6. Use Pet-Friendly Deicers: If you use deicing products on your sidewalks and driveways, make sure they are pet-friendly. Some chemical deicers can be harmful if ingested or if they get on your pet's paws.

7. Grooming: Keep your pet's fur well-groomed and free of mats. A clean, dry coat provides better insulation against the cold. However, avoid excessive bathing in the winter, as it can strip their skin of essential oils.

8. Be Cautious with Heaters: If you use space heaters, fireplaces, or wood stoves, make sure they are pet-proofed to prevent burns. Pets are attracted to warm spots, so use safety gates or barriers when necessary.

9. Check for Hidden Hazards: Antifreeze is highly toxic to pets, and it often collects in puddles or drips from cars during the winter. Ensure that your pet does not have access to areas where antifreeze may be present.

10. Keep ID and Microchip Information Updated: In case your pet gets lost during winter storms or escapes due to fear of loud noises (e.g., fireworks or thunder), ensure their identification tags and microchip information are up to date.

11. Exercise Indoors: On days when it's too cold to go outside, engage your pet with indoor activities, such as puzzle toys, interactive games, or obedience training to keep them mentally and physically stimulated.

12. Veterinary Care: Schedule a winter check-up with your veterinarian to address any specific health concerns related to the season and to ensure your pet's vaccinations are up to date.

By following these tips, you can help ensure your pets stay safe, warm, and healthy during the fall and winter months. Remember that different pets have different needs, so adapt these suggestions to suit your specific animal's requirements and preferences.

How to Keep Your Pets Safe During Thanksgiving: Tips and Tricks

Nov 18, 2023

Keeping your pet safe during Thanksgiving is essential because the holiday often involves many potential hazards for them. We all want to share our holiday with our pet loved ones but we have to ensure their safety while doing so. I like to look at keeping the holidays fun for my fur babies even in the midst of the chaos of the holidays! 

Tip #1 - Just because you think the food is good doesn't mean its good for your pets!

Many Thanksgiving dishes are harmful to pets. Never give your pet turkey bones, alcohol, chocolate, grapes, raisins, onions, garlic, or anything sweetened with xylitol, as these can be toxic to them. Turkey meat, in moderation and without seasoning, can be safe for most pets. 

Tip #2 - Make sure the guests follow the rules - no feeding the fur baby!

Inform your guests about your pet's dietary restrictions and ask them not to feed your pet any human food. Some people may not be aware of the dangers, so it's essential to communicate this clearly.

""Seasonings may enhance flavor for us humans, but they can be harmful to our pets," says Dr. Perez-Camargo of Freshpet, a fresh pet food company. "Seasonings and ingredients such as garlic, onion, leeks, and chive are favorites for the holiday, but are dangerous, and even toxic to cats and dogs."

Tip #3 - Decorations are cute but keep them out of reach.

Keep decorations and table centerpieces out of reach of your pet. Pets may be curious and could knock over or ingest decorations, leading to choking or intestinal blockages.

Tip #4 - We all need some quiet time

If your pet is not used to a lot of people, monitor their interactions with guests. Some pets can become anxious or agitated in such situations. Provide a quiet space for your pet to retreat to if they become overwhelmed by the noise and activity. Some pets may find the holiday commotion stressful.

Tip #5 - Be prepared for anything

Pets are very curious a tiny slip up can lead to a mishap.  Try to monitor them closely during this time. In case of an emergency, have the contact information for a nearby emergency veterinarian readily available.  

Have fun for the holidays but always remember the fur babies!

Remember that every pet is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. Pay attention to your pet's behavior and well-being, and adjust your plans accordingly to ensure a safe and happy Thanksgiving for your furry friend.

10 Essential Water Safety Tips Every Dog Owner Should Know

Nov 2, 2023

Water safety is important for dogs, especially if you plan to take them swimming or if they have access to bodies of water. Here are some tips to ensure the safety of your canine companion around water:

Supervison: Always supervise your dog when they are near water, whether it's a pool, lake, river, or the ocean. Even dogs that are good swimmers can get into trouble.

Teach Swimming: Not all dogs are natural swimmers, so it's a good idea to teach them to swim gradually. Start in shallow, calm water and use positive reinforcement to make the experience enjoyable.

Life Jacket: If your dog will be around deep or fast-moving water, consider using a doggy life jacket. This can help them stay afloat and reduce the risk of drowning.

Pool Safety: If you have a swimming pool, make sure your dog knows how to exit the pool safely. Many dogs can't find the stairs and may struggle to get out. Also, consider a pool safety cover or fence to keep your dog out when unsupervised.

Rinse Off: After swimming in any type of water, rinse your dog to remove chlorine, salt, or other contaminants. This can help prevent skin and coat issues. Also avoid algae blooms. Harmful algae blooms can be toxic to dogs. If you notice green or murky water, keep your dog away.

Beware of Currents and Boating Safety: In natural bodies of water, be cautious of strong currents and undertows. Even a strong swimmer can be overwhelmed. If your dog joins you on a boat, make sure they have a life jacket, and be aware of their location at all times.

Provide Shade and Prevent Ear Infections: Dogs can get sunburned, so make sure there is a shaded area where your dog can take a break from the sun. Dry your dog's ears thoroughly after swimming to prevent ear infections.

Hydration: Dogs can get dehydrated quickly, especially in hot weather. Bring fresh water for your dog to drink, and encourage them to take breaks. Be familiar with the signs of distress in dogs, such as excessive panting, drooling, or struggling in the water. If your dog is in distress, assist them immediately.

Basic Obedience: Ensure your dog has a strong grasp of basic obedience commands like "come," "stay," and "leave it." This can be crucial for their safety around water.

Encourage Breaks: Dogs can tire quickly in the water. Encourage regular breaks to rest and catch their breath.

Remember that not all dogs are comfortable or adept swimmers, so it's essential to adapt your water activities to your dog's abilities and comfort level. Some breeds are naturally better swimmers than others. Always prioritize your dog's safety and well-being when around water.

7 Signs Your Pet is Happy and Content with You

Oct 27, 2023

Pets, like dogs, cats, and other animals, communicate their happiness and contentment in various ways. While each pet is unique, here are some common signs that your pet is happy with you:

It's important to remember that different pets have unique personalities, and their ways of expressing happiness can vary. Additionally, some pets may not display these signs all the time, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are unhappy. Pay attention to your pet's overall behavior, and if you're unsure about their well-being, it's always a good idea to consult with a veterinarian to ensure they are healthy and happy.

How to Help Your Pet Cope with Anxiety: Tips and Tricks 

Oct 24, 2023

Pet anxiety is a common issue that many pet owners face. It can manifest in various ways, including separation anxiety, noise phobias, and general nervousness. To combat pet anxiety, you can try the following strategies:

Identify the Cause: Determine the root cause of your pet's anxiety. Is it triggered by

specific situations, such as thunderstorms or fireworks, or is it more generalized? Understanding the cause can help you tailor your approach.

Create a Safe Environment: Ensure your pet has a safe and comfortable space to retreat to when they feel anxious. This could be a quiet room with their bed, toys, and familiar items.

Positive Reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement training techniques to help your pet associate positive experiences with anxiety triggers. Reward them with treats, praise, or playtime when they behave calmly in anxiety-inducing situations.

Desensitization: Gradually expose your pet to their anxiety triggers in a controlled and gradual manner. Over time, they may become less reactive as they get used to the stimuli.

Counterconditioning: Change your pet's emotional response to anxiety triggers by pairing them with something they enjoy. For example, give treats or play with your pet during a thunderstorm to create positive associations.

Medication: In severe cases, consult with a veterinarian or a veterinary behaviorist to discuss medication options that can help manage your pet's anxiety. Medication should always be used under professional guidance.

Thunder Shirts and Calming Products: Some pets benefit from products like ThunderShirts or pheromone diffusers, which can provide a sense of security and calmness. Always consult with a veterinarian before using any calming products.

Regular Exercise: Regular exercise can help reduce anxiety in pets by releasing excess energy and promoting a sense of well-being. Play, walks, and mental stimulation are important for your pet's overall mental health.

Consistent Routine: Maintain a consistent daily routine for feeding, exercise, and playtime. Predictability can help reduce anxiety by providing structure and security.

Consult a Professional: If your pet's anxiety persists or worsens despite your efforts, consider seeking the assistance of a professional animal behaviorist or trainer who can provide specialized guidance and training.

Natural Remedies: Some natural remedies, such as herbal supplements or aromatherapy, may help alleviate mild anxiety in pets. However, it's essential to consult with your veterinarian before using any of these remedies.

Provide Distractions: Offer your pet toys or puzzle feeders to keep them engaged and distracted during anxiety-triggering events.

Remember that it may take time and patience to combat pet anxiety. What works best can vary from one pet to another, so be open to trying different strategies and combinations to find what works for your specific animal. Always consult with your veterinarian for professional guidance and to rule out any underlying health issues that may be contributing to your pet's anxiety.

Fighting Fleas: A Guide to Pet Flea Medications

Sep 25, 2023

Pet owners know that when it comes to keeping their furry friends happy and healthy, one pesky problem that often arises is fleas. These tiny, blood-sucking parasites can make life uncomfortable for both pets and their human companions. Fortunately, there are a variety of pet flea medications available to help combat this common issue. In this blog, we'll explore the different types of flea medications, how they work, and what you should consider when choosing the right treatment for your beloved pets.

Understanding Fleas

Before delving into flea medications, let's take a moment to understand the enemy: fleas.

Types of Flea Medications

Now, let's explore the various types of flea medications and how they can help you keep your pets flea-free.

Choosing the Right Flea Medication
When selecting a flea medication for your pet, consider the following factors:

Fleas can be a persistent nuisance, but with the right flea medication and prevention strategies, you can protect your pets and keep them comfortable and healthy. Always consult your veterinarian to determine the most suitable flea control plan for your specific pet's needs, and remember that consistent flea prevention is key to keeping your furry companions flea-free.